50 years in business

Independent Repair Shops

Deville Auto Body 101

“From now on you’ll trust a body shop because you can, not because you have to!”

What are the differences between Independent Repair Shops and Insurance company Repair Shops?

Independent Repair Shops

  • The vehicle owner is the client.
  • We take direction from you, the vehicle owner.   
  • You, the vehicle owner, has the FINAL SAY over the repair process.
  • We are not satisfied until you’re satisfied.
  • Your safety and vehicle value is our priority.
  • We work for the person who is important to us. WE WORK FOR YOU.

Insurance Company Repair Shops

  • The insurance company is the client.
  • Takes direction from the insurance company.
  • The insurance company has the FINAL SAY over the repair process.
  • Only the insurance company has to be satisfied, not YOU, the owner.
  • Economy and speed hold priority.
  • Works for the person who is important to them, THE INSURANCE COMPANY.

So what repair shop are you more comfortable bringing your vehicle to?